Cape vs Amex:
A smarter business credit card with greater accpetance

Amex offers traditional corporate cards with outdated processes and various fees. In contrast, Cape provides free corporate cards with 2-3x higher credit limits, real-timer spend visibility, and broader local and global acceptance.

Compare Cape Vs American Express

While Amex offers traditional corporate cards with annual fees ranging from $75 to $550 per cardholder at setup, Cape provides free corporate cards with no hidden fees and free FX, combined with an all-in-one spend management software that provides full visibility and control over purchasing to cut wasteful spending and the time taken on financial administration work related to expense management.

Physical corporate card
No FX fees
2-3x higher card limits
No hidden fees
Spend controls
Real-time, company-wide spend tracking

Top 3 reasons why business and finance leaders choose Cape

Get a more efficient corporate card

Issue unlimited physical cards with the most widely accepted network in Mastercard. Cape provides a free, global card program with 2-3x higher limits than traditional cards, 0% FX Fee spending, along with incredible rewards. Upgrade to a smarter corporate card today.

Control spend before it happens

Prevent overspending with Cape's advanced card controls. Block spending at merchant categories such as hospitality venues and ATM withdrawals. Whilst ensure precise control over every employee's spending with individual limits that can be created in seconds for optimal financial management.

Real-time spend tracking

Admins and employees can see how much has been spent and what’s been purchased in real time — on everything from transfers to card swipes — with our recently updated search feature. Ensure complete transparency and control over your corporate expenses.

Not our words. Yours

James Bowe, Co-Founder, OwnHome
We're more than just the number on the card; Cape were keen to understand our business needs and how they can be an effective partner.
James Fyfe, CEO, Portant
We've moved across our cards from one of the big banks, and the drop in FX fees alone is saving us tons of money.

Matt Almond, CEO & Co-Founder, UpSure
Cape’s eliminated the crazy fees that other cards were charging, and it’s allowed us to move our USD subscriptions over, saving a heap of money.

Frequently asked questions

Is it easy to switch from Amex to Cape 

Absolutely! Cape’s dedicated onboarding team will get your teams set up in no time. With extensive knowledge of other systems and seamless configuration capabilities, we make migrating your existing solution to Cape a breeze.

Need a little extra assistance? Cape offers 24/7 support to answer any questions you have, with dedicated phone and chat support for admins and bookkeepers.

Why is Cape better than Amex

Cape is designed to help businesses streamline their spend management. With corporate cards, expense management, travel, and spend controls all in one place, it simplifies compliance with policies and spend limits for your employees and gives your finance team more control over spending.

Here's how Cape stands out compared to Amex and other competitors:

  • Set spend limits to control expenses before they happen.
  • Make payments with your locally issued cards on foreign goods and services with no FX fees and at the most competitive wholesale FX rate.
  • Automate expenses for thousands of merchants.
  • Enjoy an intuitive user experience for employees.
  • Gain real-time visibility into card transactions.
  • Manage local and global spending all in one place.

How can Cape help with corporate travel? 

Cape lets you establish pre-approved spend limits and policies for booking and managing travel and events. Employees simply log into their account, book flights and accommodations within the assigned budget and policy.

When employees reach their travel destination, they can use their Cape card to expense taxis, dinners, or any other approved expenses within the travel policy with the added benefit of no FX fees. It’s a fully integrated corporate travel booking system — a key reason why finance teams prefer Cape over other options.

How does Cape improve real-time visibility vs Amex?

Seeking an alternative to Amex that offers greater visibility over spend? Cape is your solution. With live spending on Cape, you can easily group and delegate spend across your organization using spending limits.

This provides top-down control to view and manage spending, offering a live comparison of actuals vs budgets. Plus, it empowers employees to spend smarter with built-in policies and controls that automate expenses and enhance compliance.