Business credit cards for eCommerce & Retail

We smooth out cashflow bumps while you focus on growth. Running an online business has its advantages, but FX fees isn’t one of them. Cape makes streamlining spending simple, while also saving on FX fees.
Ecommerce mobile app

No more FX fees

Big banks will charge you up to 7% in FX fees for your transactions. Counterproductive for any business, right? We charge zero FX fees.

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Save more, sell more

Streamlined budgeting, better visibility, and money saved on FX fees, means you could access working capital to buy more stock for your store.

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Hassle-free subscriptions

Payments, shipping, suppliers, design, the list of subscriptions goes on. Consolidate them with Cape to save time and money.

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Run your show

We’re guessing you didn’t start an online business to spend hours per day on manual finance tasks. Didn’t think so. Automate them, instead.

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Not our words. Yours

James Bowe, Co-Founder, OwnHome
We're more than just the number on the card; Cape were keen to understand our business needs and how they can be an effective partner.
James Fyfe, CEO, Portant
We've moved across our cards from one of the big banks, and the drop in FX fees alone is saving us tons of money.

Matt Almond, CEO & Co-Founder, UpSure
Cape’s eliminated the crazy fees that other cards were charging, and it’s allowed us to move our USD subscriptions over, saving a heap of money.